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Asia Dive News : Koh Lanta instructor to dive half marathon for tsunami relief

On April 24th an instructor (Kim McMenemy) at Scuba-Fish Koh Lanta, Thailand will be scuba diving a half-marathon (13.1 miles, 21,097.5 meters) in the White Rock Resort's pool in an effort to raise funds for needy causes.

Sixty percent of the money raised will go to the victims of the March 11, 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami via organisations such as Shelterbox. The remaining forty percent will be divided between victims of the recent landslides and floods in Krabi, Thailand (15%), Project AWARE (10%), and Local Lanta Community Projects (15%).

"I saw first-hand both the immediate and longer-term impacts of the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, on friends and communities in Thailand (and in particular Koh Phi Phi). The devastating struggles facing those directly affected in Japan at this time compels me to connect personally with this tragic event, to act, and to show support." stated Kim.

The challenges facing Japan following the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami are vast. The immediate needs of the survivors include the provision of medical care and food, of finding shelter for displaced people during a time of inclement weather. There is the mammoth job that is locating and reuniting relatives separated by this event, and longer term necessities such as rebuilding homes, schools, infrastructure, whole coastal communities.

Futher information and donation pledges: Scubafish