Asia Dive News : Thailand's local communities clean up the reef
April 10, Bangsaphan - Local communities from the Prachuabkirikhan and Chumphon provinces on the Gulf of Thailand joined forces to clean up the coral reef before the tourist rush over Thai new year.
The initiative was organized and sponsored by local banks, resorts, tour companies, conservation groups and government offices. Two small islands named Koh Sing and Koh Sang in Bangsaphan were targeted as they have suffered the long term effects of abuse by fishing boats.
Teams were assigned and trash was cut off the reef, bagged up and sent to the surface. 95% of it came from fishing boats and included nylon fishing line, nets, ropes and lead weights.
Local reefs off the coast of Bangsaphan and Chumphon still suffer heavily from un-regulated and un-policed fishing communities oblivious to the damage they are doing to their marine environment.

Photos copyright Martin J. Young.
More images and info : Bangsaphan Guide |