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Micronesia :: Guam : Kitsugawa Maru

To the west of the Tokai Maru, in Apra harbour, lie the remains of this large Japanese freighter. She was torpedoed and towed into the harbour to be repaired. Whilst there, she was finally sunk by bombs and rockets that blew her engine room up, tearing the ship apart.

She sits upright on her keel at an average depth of 42m and is a fantastic wreck to explore. She rivals any that can be found on Truk. As she is deep, your time exploring will be limited and visibility can sometimes not be that good as shipping lanes pass closeby. Make sure to take some dive lights.

It's best to head to the bow first where you'll see the fully intact gun and four cases of ammunition nearby. As you pass back along the deck, you can penetrate the living quarters, although entrances are narrow and there is a lot of silt. The engine room and holds are worthy of exploration, but be careful of all the twisted metal. Also certainly take time to marval at the huge mast that is covered with colourful corals and anemones.


Depth: 40m+

Viz: 10 - 20m

Currents: Weak

Getting there : Boat 10 mins

Best months: Dec - April



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