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Malaysia :: Labuan : Cement Wreck

The Tung Huang is a freighter that sank while transporting cement to Brunei for the Sultan's new palace on 25 September 1980. It hit the Samarang Bank and sank as it tried to reach Labuan for repairs. The wreck now lies east of Kuraman Island and just 21 km from Labuan. The vessel, 92m long, 15m wide and 7.5m deep sits vertically on the seabed at 30m. It is the easiest wreck to navigate, making it ideal for training in wreck diving.

Divers can penetrate the cargo hold and docks however nets are draped all over the vessel so care must be taken. The easy penetrations to the engine room and superstructure are riskier now days as the structure is slowly taken by the sea. The funnel fell over to port in the late 1990's and the storms of August 2002, caused the hydraulic pumping of the sea to blow out a number of superstructure panels. There is a great variety of marine life to be found here including barracuda, turtles, lion fish and reef fish. Soft and hard corals grow on the surface of the wreck, which makes this the best Labuan wreck for underwater photography.

GPS: 5o 13.360' N  115o 04.680' E


Depth: 25 - 35m

Viz: 5 - 20m

Currents: Weak

Getting there : Boat 30 mins

Best months: Apr / Oct