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Malaysia :: Kapalai

Kapalai is a water village resort sitting atop a shallow reef a few minutes north of Sipadan by speed boat. Kapalai is unique as guests can see from their resort accommodation straight down into the clear waters, it doesnt have an island any more as erosion has reduced it to just a sand bank. It is another macro paradise but unlike Mabul the visibility is usually better here. Most diving is done in shallow clear water so it is ideal for beginners. In a sense it is like being on a spacious immobile liveaboard. There are many dive sites around Kapalai, we have just covered the popular ones.


Kapalai at a glance

Accommodation : Resort

Highlights : Macro life, clear shallow waters.

Average cost of a dive : $40

Dive Sites : 10+

Dive Operators : 5+

Getting there : Boat from Borneo, 30 minutes.

Off Season : None, diving year round.


The map below is interactive so click on the dive site to get more details.

kapalai dive sites


ray channel mandarin valley cleaning station