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Indonesia :: Sulawesi : Takabonerate

Just southeast of Selayar Island is the third largest coral atoll in the world. The Takabonerate National Park was setup in 1992 to protect the ecosystem of the 2,220 square kilometer area. The atolls rise abruptly from a deep oceanic trench and offer some fantastic wall diving in good visibility. There is an astounding variety of coral growth and sea-grass on these atolls, fringing and barrier reefs. Marine life is equal to any other area in Sulawesi with huge schools of fish, pelagics and bigger hunters. The additional advanatge here is that the area is still untouched by dive tourism and can be considered as one of the worlds few remaining dive frontiers.


Depths: 5 - 2000m

Viz: 15 - 45m

Currents: Occasional

Getting there : Liveaboard

Best months: Apr - Oct