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Indonesia :: Komodo : Darat Passage

Located between Komodo and Gili Lawa Laut is the Darat Passage. There are good dives available here when current is kind.

Darat Passage South
Nice coral growth at 20 to 25 meters attracts myriad reef fish including coral trout, groupers, tuna and trevally. Garden eels can be found on the bottom and there may also be the odd whitetip resting on the sand. The best time to dive it is when the current east to west through the narrow strait. Snorkelling is possible but dynamite fishing damage is evident.

Darat Passage North
Good drift diving can be done in either direction on the north face of the passage. Best time is just before or after slack water when the flow is not to strong, the reef slopes down to a sandy bottom at around 15 meters which then drops away to about 35. On approach to the channel keep an eye out for turtles and a family of giant sweetlips that live in a grotto near the surface. The shallow parts of this dive are better for marine life keep an eye out for turtles and reef sharks.


Depths: 5 - 35m

Viz: 10 - 30m

Currents: Can be strong

Getting there : Liveaboard

Best months: Apr to Nov



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